The Soccer Teams NK Skofja Loka and NK Sava Kranj played 3 Games up to today. Among them, NK Skofja Loka won 2 games ( 2 at Home Stadium, 0 at Away Stadium away), NK Sava Kranj won 0 (0 at Away Stadium, 0 at Home Stadium away), and drew 1 (0 at Home Stadium, 1 at Away Stadium). In the Slovenia 3. Liga, the two teams played a total of 3 games before, of which NK Skofja Loka won 2, NK Sava Kranj won 0 and the two teams drew 1.
9. The sum of natural increase and net migration per 1, 000 population in the municipality was positive. It was 6. 7 (in Slovenia 6. 2). The mean age of people in Škofja Loka was 42. 2 years, which was lower than the national average (43. 6). As in most Slovene municipalities, in Škofja Loka the number of old people was higher than the number of young people: there were 116 people, aged 65 or more, per 100 people aged 0–14.
Avtobusni prevozi in vozni redi | Arriva SlovenijaKranj, 11. 12. 2022 Sprememba pri odhodu ob 18. 00 na relaciji Cerkno-Škofja Loka Obveščamo vas, da avtobusni prevoz iz Cerknega proti Škofji Loki in Ljubljani ob 18. 00, zaradi snežnih razmer, ne bo izvedel. Avtobus bo speljal iz Sovodnja po voznem redu (ob 18. 21... Maribor, 09. 2022 Delovni čas prodajnega mesta v Mariboru in INFO centra (ponedeljek, 12. december 2022) Obveščamo vas, da bo v ponedeljek 12. decembra 2022, naše prodajno mesto na Mlinski ulici 28 v Mariboru odprto od 6. 00 do 15. 30 ure. Tudi INFO center bo v ponedeljek, 12.
Slovene regions and municipalities in numbersMunicipality Škofja Loka, which is part of the Gorenjska statistical region, measures 146 km2; this ranks it 44th among Slovene municipalities. Statistical data for 2020 reveal the following:In the middle of 2020 about 23, 340 people (about 11, 550 men and 11, 780 women) were living in the municipality, which ranks Škofja Loka 15th among Slovene municipalities. The population density was 160 people per square kilometre, which was higher than the national average of 104 people per square kilometre.
NK Sencur - Skofja Loka » Live Score & Stream + Odds and StatsStatistics 1 Win 0 Draws 0 Wins 1 played Top Scorers Slovenian Cup 22/23 There are no top scorers available for this team There are no top scorers available for this team Odds Bookmakers Move Fansbet 1. 33 4. 40 6. 50 88. 26% 1xBit 1. 41 4. 62 6.
NK Skofja Loka vs NK Sava Kranj Head to Head - AiScore
05 Km - Visoko 19E, 4212 Kranj 9. 4 (44 reviews) Ranč Luže, 4212 Kranj More hotels in Šenčur RestaurantsWhere to eat Šenčur Gostilna Krištof MICHELIN 2022 3. 78 Km - Predoslje 22, 4000 Kranj Dvor Jezeršek 5. 26 Km - Zgornji Brnik 63, 4207 Cerklje na Gorenjskem Danilo 10. 2 Km - Reteče 48, 4220 Škofja Loka More restaurants in Šenčur Tourist AttractionsThings to see and do Šenčur 10 Km - Crngrob, Crngrob 12. 4 Km - Grajska pot 13, Škofja Loka 18.
Live Score, Stream and H2H results 5/20/2023. Preview match Škofja Loka vs Šencur, team, start time. Tribuna. comStatisticsPossessionShots on targetShots off targetFoulsCorner kicksFree kicksOffsidesGame eventsHead - to - HeadLast 4 games3. SNL. Saturday, 29 October, 20223. Saturday, 19 March, 20223. Saturday, 28 August, 2021All matchesLatest matches Škofja Loka3. Sunday, 13 November, 20223. Saturday, 5 November, 20223.
NK Skofja Loka Football Live Scores & Results - Scorebar
[gledati televizijo**] Škofja Loka vs Šenčur v živo 10 oktober
Klubska tekmovanja - 3. SNL ZAHOD 22/23 - NZS
Po košem se je izkazal tudi Alen Omić s desetimi točkami, pri Heliosu pa je bil edin razpoložen Lovro Buljević z 11 točkami. Zmaji so v strelskem šovu, v katerem so zadeli kar 17 trojk, brez težav zadržali prednost tudi v drugem delu in se brez težav sprehodili do 11. superpokalne lovorike. Ferrell je bil na koncu s 27 točkami (6 trojk) izbran tudi za najboljšega igralca tekme. Izkazal se je tudi Amar Alibegović s 17 točkami in Omić in Marko Jeremić s 13 točkami.
Škofja Loka - Slovene regions and municipalities in numbers
Fama Vipava - rezultati, razporedi -
Šenčur: Livescore Matches and Fixtures - 365Scores
NK Škofja Loka
2022 WU15: Tia z reprezentanco v Sarajevu Slovenska dekliška selekcija WU15 je v preteklem tednu nastopala na UEFA razvojnem turnirju, v Sarajevu. Dekleta so odigrale 3 tekme in sicer proti sovrstnicam iz BIH, Albanije in Luksemburga. Povabilu... Več 15. 2022 U15: Bravo odnesel vse 3 točke V 5. lige U15 – Zahod so se naši fantje in punca na domačem igrišču v Gorajtah udarili z ekipo Brava. V krasnem, sončnem vremenu smo lahko spremljali... Več 3. 2022 Vpis otrok v nogometno šolo Nogometna šola Škofja Loka, vpisuje in organizira NOGOMETNO VADBO za najmlajše. Vpisujemo otroke stare od 5 do 12 let.
The number of live births was higher than the number of deaths, which means that natural increase per 1, 000 population in the municipality was positive. It was 0. 8 (in Slovenia -2. 5). The number of people who moved from the municipality was lower than the number of people who moved into the municipality, so net migration per 1, 000 population in the municipality was positive. It was 5.
[HD V ŽIVO<<] Škofja Loka Šenčur v živo | Profile - optimal light
This ratio shows that the value of the ageing index was lower than the national average of 136. It also shows that the mean age of people in Škofja Loka is growing more slowly than in Slovenia as a whole. Data by sex show that the ageing index for women was in all municipalities except in three (Dobrovnik/Dobronak, Jezersko in Loški Potok) higher than the ageing index for men. In Škofja Loka – as in most Slovene municipalities – more women were 65+ years old than 14 or less; for men the situation was exactly the opposite.
Škofja Loka - Šenčur driving directions - journey, distance, time and costs – ViaMichelin Škofja Loka - Šenčur driving directions - journey, distance, time and costs – ViaMichelin Route planner Maps Hotels Restaurants Tourist sites Service stations Traffic The Mag Arrive at ŠenčurOrganise your trip Other services Restaurants at Šenčur See restaurants from the Michelin selection Tourist Attractions at Šenčur View the must-see tourist sites Transport Hire a car AccommodationWhere to sleep in Šenčur Exceptional9. 6 From€55 Book 3. 04 Km - 19 Visoko 19d, 4212 Kranj From€85 3.
Škofja Loka had 9 kindergartens, which were attended by 1, 013 children. Of all children in the municipality aged 1–5, 78% were included in kindergartens, which was less than national average of 81%. In the school year 2020/21 elementary schools in Škofja Loka were attended by about 2, 370 pupils, while various upper secondary schools were attended by about 940 pupils. There were 40 students and 8 graduates per 1, 000 people in the municipality; in Slovenia the averages were 39 per 1, 000 and 7 per 1, 000, respectively. Among people aged 15–64 (i. e. working age population) about 70% were persons in employment (i. persons in paid employment or self-employed persons), which is more than the national average (66%). In Škofja Loka, average monthly gross earnings per person employed by legal persons were about 1% lower than the annual average of monthly earnings for Slovenia; net earnings were the same as the national average.
NK Sencur - Skofja Loka » Live Score & Stream + Odds and
NK Škofja Loka - NK Škofja LokaU15: gorenjski derbi pripadel gostom V 9. krogu 1. lige U15 Zahod je na igrišče v Gorajtah prišel gorenjski sosed Triglav. Glede na položaj na lestvici so prišli kot izraziti favoriti in na koncu so... Več 1. 10. 2022 U15: v dežju do premierne zmage Fantje in punca selekcije U15, ki tekmuje v 1. ligi U15 - Zahod, so se danes na razmočenem igrišču v Gorajtah pomerili z ekipo Slovana in si proborili premierno zmago... Več 17. 9.
NK Skofja Loka vs NK Sava Kranj Head to HeadNK Skofja Loka vs NK Sava Kranj Head to Head Overall Head to Head Record Biggest Aggregate 2022/10/12 NK Skofja Loka NK Sava Kranj 2 - 0 Biggest NK Skofja Loka score Past H2H Results Slovenia 3. Liga 2022/03/12 0 - 0 2020/09/19 1 - 0 Last 5 NK Skofja Loka Matches Stats 2022/11/13 Tolmin 0 - 2 2022/10/30 Tinex Sencur 2022/10/09 NK Fama Vipava Slovenia Cup 2022/09/28 Triglav Gorenjska 0 - 3 Last 5, NK Skofja Loka Win 1, Draw 0, Lose 4, Score Win Prob: 20. 00% Last 5 NK Sava Kranj Matches Stats 2022/11/12 NK Sobec Lesce 2022/08/20 NK Dren Vrhinka 2022/04/16 1 - 1 2022/03/27 Svoboda Peshtera Last 5, NK Sava Kranj NK Skofja Loka Fixture No data NK Sava Kranj Fixture No data NK Skofja Loka vs NK Sava Kranj Head to Head Record Statistics A complete record of competitive matches played between the two teams, This page lists the head-to-head record of NK Skofja Loka vs NK Sava Kranj including biggest victories and defeats between the two sides, and H2H stats in all competitions.
Predznanje ni pomembno, vseh veščin nogometne igre jih bodo naučili šolani... 2022 U15: točka v boju s Primorjem V 3. lige U15 - Zahod so se naši fantje in punca pomerili z ekipo Primorja in remizirali z rezultatom 1:1. Obe ekipi sta postregli z zanimivo, izenačeno... Več 28. 8. 2022 Praznovanje 90-letnice nogometa V nedeljo smo skromno praznovali velik jubilej, 90 let nogometa v Škofji Loki.
Zmaji prek Heliosa do nove lovorike - SportklubKošarkarji Cedevite Olimpije so novo sezono začeli z zmago v slovenskem superpokalu. V Škofji Loki so brez težav premagali Helios Suns s 112:85 (26:16, 58:39, 90:65). To je zanje tretji zaporedni naslov v tem tekmovanju, 11. skupno. Ljubljančani so obračun v Škofje Loki odprli z delnim izidom 13:1. Domžalčani so jim vrnili s serijo 10:0 in znižali prednost, nato pa so vajeti znova v roke prevzeli favorizirani zmaji in že prvo četrtino dobili za deset točk (26:16). V drugi četrtini so prednost le še povišali in na odmor ob polčasu odšli s prednostjo 19 točk. Cedevita je prvem polčasu dosegla kar 58 točk, zadela je sedem trojk – po dve Yogi Ferrell, Mirko Mulalić in Joshua Adams.
(PRETAKANJE#) Škofja Loka vs Šenčur prenos v živo 10 oktober